Urban Optics Afghan Pattern
When people think of crochet afghans, they often think of something more on the vintage or antique side. They're imagined to be a craft from another era. Prove them wrong with this Urban Optics Afghan Pattern. This cool black and white pattern is so thoroughly modern and trendy, no one will ever make the mistake of thinking crochet is outdated again. This is the perfect crochet blanket pattern to add some sophistication to any room. Your friends will all be dying for their own.
Crochet HookI/9 or 5.5 mm hook
Crochet Gauge18 sts = 5" (12.5 cm); 12 rows = 5" (12.5 cm) in pattern.
Finished SizeThrow measures 45 x 55" (114.5 x 140 cm) including border
Materials List
- RED HEART® Super Saver®: 2 skeins 400 Gray Heather A, 3 skeins 312 Black B, and 4 skeins 316 Soft White C
- Susan Bates® Crochet Hook: 5.5 mm [US I-9]
- Yarn needle
1. Always carry unused color across row as you work, working around it with current color.
2. Hold unused color to wrong side of the throw.
3. After changing colors, give the old color a gentle tug to tighten the last loop worked.
4. The last stitch of each row is a regular dc rather than a fpdc or bpdc.
5. To change color, work last stitch of old color to last yarn over. Yarn over with new color and draw through all loops on hook to complete stitch. Proceed with new color
Bpdc = Back post double crochet: Yarn over, insert hook from the back of the work to front and to back again around the post of indicated st, yarn over and pull up a loop (3 loops on hook), yarn over and draw through 2 loops, yarn over and draw through remaining 2 loops on hook.
Fpdc = Front post double crochet: Yarn over, insert hook from the front of the work to back and to front again around the post of indicated st, yarn over and pull up a loop (3 loops on hook), yarn over and draw through 2 loops, yarn over and draw through remaining 2 loops on hook.
A, B, C = Color A, Color B, Color C; ch = chain; dc = double crochet; st(s) = stitch (es); * or ** = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated.
With C, ch 147
Row 1 (right side): Dc in 4th ch from hook and in next 4 ch, with A, dc in each of next 6 ch, * with C, dc in each of next 6 ch, with A, dc in each of the next 6 ch; repeat from * to end, turn – 24 groups of 6 dc
Row 2: With A, ch 3, bpdc around each of next 5 dc, with C, fpdc around each of next 6 dc, * with A, bpdc around each of next 6 dc, with C, fpdc around each of next 6 dc; repeat from * to end, turn. Fasten off A.
Row 3: Join B with slip st in first st, ch 3, fpdc around each of next 5 dc, with C, bpdc around each of next 6 dc, * with B, fpdc around each of next 6 dc, with C, bpdc around each of next 6 dc; repeat from * to end, turn.
Row 4: With C, ch 3, bpdc around each of next 5 dc, with B, fpdc around each of next 6 dc, * with C, bpdc around each of next 6 dc with B, fpdc around each of next 6 dc; repeat from * to end, turn. Fasten off B.
Row 5: Join C with slip st in first st, ch 3, fpdc around each of next 5 dc, with A, bpdc around each of next 6 dc, * with C, Find more ideas & inspiration: redheart.com ©2017 Coats & Clark Page 2 of 3 See next page for chart diagram... fpdc around each of next 6 dc, with A, bpdc around each of next 6 dc; repeat from * to end, turn.
Row 6: With A, ch 3, bpdc around each of next 5 dc, with C, fpdc around each of next 6 dc, * with A, bpdc in next 6 dc, with C, fpdc in next 6 dc; repeat from * to end, turn. Fasten off A .
Repeat rows 3-6 until throw measures 52" (138 cm), ending after a Row 6. Do not fasten off A after final row.
Round 1: Ch 1, 3 sc in same st as joining slip st, sc in each dc to next corner, 3 sc in corner st, 2 sc in each edge st to next corner, 3 sc in corner st, sc in each foundation st to next corner, 3 sc in corner st, 2 sc in each edge st to end, join with slip st in first sc. Change to B .
Round 2: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), dc in each sc around, working 5 dc in each corner st, join with slip st in 3rd of beginning ch-3. Change to A .
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in front loop only of each dc around, working 3 sc in front loop of each corner st, join with slip st in first sc. Change to B .
Round 4: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc, dc in remaining back loop of each dc from Round 2, working 5 dc in back loop of each corner st, join with slip st in 3rd of beginning ch-3. Change to A .
Round 5: Ch 1, sc in each dc around, working 3 sc in each corner st, join with slip st in first sc. Fasten off.
Weave in all loose ends.
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